Academic Anesthesiologists Perceive Significant Internal Barriers to Intraoperative Teaching in a Cross-Sectional Survey
Journal of Perioperative Medicine is an international, peer reviewed journal with a multidisciplinary ethos across all aspects of perioperative care. The overall aim of the journal is to improve patient safety through informing and developing practice. Journal of Perioperative Medicine is an informative professional journal which provides current evidence-based practice, clinical, management and educational developments for practitioners working in the perioperative environment.
The journal promotes perioperative practice by publishing clinical research-based articles, literature reviews, topical discussions, advice on clinical issues, current news items and product information. The journal publishes literature reviews, care studies, original research, etc.. Our journal is successfully running volume 3 with a large number of visitors worldwide. All articles submitted to Journal of Perioperative Medicine are subject to double-blind peer review.
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Maria A,
Editorial Assistant,
London, UK
Journal of Perioperative Medicine
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