Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Trials



The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group (The CHBG) is one of the fifty-four non-profit and independent international research publishing groups within (formerly The Cochrane Collaboration).

The CHBG shares the same aim as the other Cochrane groups, which is to provide reliable information to practitioners, policy and decision makers, and consumers. The CHBG strives to achieve this through production, maintenance, and dissemination of hepato-biliary systematic reviews. 

The following types of Cochrane systematic reviews exist:

  • Intervention reviews assess the benefits and harms of interventions used in healthcare and health policy. 
  • Diagnostic test accuracy reviews assess how well a diagnostic test performs in diagnosing and detecting a particular disease.
  • Methodology reviews address issues relevant to how systematic reviews and clinical trials are conducted and reported.
  • Qualitative reviews synthesize qualitative evidence to address questions on aspects of interventions other than effectiveness.
  • Prognosis reviews address the probable course or future outcome(s) of people with a health problem.

The CHBG has been mostly producing systematic reviews of interventions which include comparisons between pairs of interventions (an experimental intervention and a comparator intervention) for a specific condition and in a specific population or setting. The CHBG has also started work on systematic reviews of interventions with network meta-analysis.  In these reviews, numerous interventions available for a given condition are compared in order to present their comparative effectiveness and potential to harm.

The CHBG has also been producing diagnostic test accuracy reviews. 

All types of CHBG systematic reviews are preceded by a publication of a peer reviewed protocol and are published in the (CDSR) in (The CLib).

The CHBG assembles a Hepato-Biliary Controlled Trials Register. The CHBG Controlled Trials Register is published in The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 

Clinicians, researchers, healthcare consumers, and people with many other different proffesions contribute to the work of The CHBG from different parts of the world.

Thanks and Regards,


Associate Editor

Journal of Clinical Trials