Could Concurrent Use of Herbal Medicinal Products and Prescription DrugsRaise Older Adults Risk of Vascular Dementia


The Journal of Clinical Toxicology (JCT) is Scholarly Open Access journal that deals with the study of xenobiotics and alsostudy toxic effects of agents (drugs) whose purpose is to ameliorate or prevent a disease. The journal addresses both scientific research and clinical advances in clinical toxicology. This free clinical journal provides an open access platform for researcher’s work in clinical toxicology in hospitals, academia, government or industrial sectors.

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JCT has recently released article entitled “Could Concurrent Use of Herbal Medicinal Products and Prescription DrugsRaise Older Adults Risk of Vascular Dementia” whose abstract is as follows:

While the role of chemical insults or the buildup of chemical insults in cardiovascular pathogenesis continuouslydraws attention, the potential interference of a variety of currently used or investigational drugs on the ability ofendothelial cells (ECs) which are responsible for providing a unique surface to allow the cellular elements of blood toflow without adhering to the vessel lining has been much less appreciated in drug discovery research. Activated ECsare more sensitive to long-term, continuous drug exposure than normal cells. Prolonged activation of ECs predisposesthe blood vessel wall to vasoconstriction, leukocyte adherence, platelet activation, thrombosis, impaired coagulation,vascular inflammation, pro-oxidation, and atherosclerosis. The studies of hypercholesterolemia, homocystinemia,hyperglycemia,  hypertension,  smoking,  inflammation,  aging,  diabetes  mellitus,  and  heart  rhythm  abnormalitiesfurther lend credence for the contribution of perturbed EC structure and function in the development of heartattacks. These risk factors are often established in elders living with one or more chronic diseases and to some extenthold true across all adult age groups. Evidence indicates that vascular reactivity is an independent risk factor fordementia. Most people who have exhibited vascular dementia following a stroke had a high blood pressure ordiabetes  prior  to  the  occurrence.  Often  adults  with  chronic  diseases  are  treated  with  long-term,  continuous,prescription  drug(s)  and  self-administration  of  traditional  medicines.  Thus,  an  assessment  of  a  combination  oftraditional medicines with widely used prescription drugs on activated ECs should be tested in experimental animalmodels of these diseases to demonstrate whether the long-term exposure of this combination therapy exacerbatesvascular reactivity and worsens ischemic perfusion defect.

Keywords: Vascular dementia; Activated Endothelial Cells; Cardiovascular pathogenesis

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