The practical application of science: Applied Science Research


Archives of Applied Science Research is a peer-reviewed-open access journal and an official journal of Scholar Central. Its main aim is to publish a vast spectrum of research applications from Natural sciences, Social sciences, and Humanities by including research applications of Physics, deneme bonusu veren sitelerChemistry, Biology, Sociology, Philosophy, Psychology, and Linguistics that illustrate the way innovative applications enhance the quality of life and make the information easily available to all people. It welcomes research articles, review articles, commentary articles, short communications, case reports, clinical image articles, etc. The journal contains a highly knowledgeable editorial team and reviewers from all over the world. The articles approved for publication in the Journal of Archives of Applied Science Research support the journal's objectives to link researchers and scholars so that they can share their knowledge and provide outcomes which is beneficial to humanity. These articles published contain recent and ongoing research, particularly in the field of applied Sciences.

Biotechnology, Applied Biology, Marine Sciences, applied chemistry, applied physics, Applied Biology, Applied Physiology, Applied Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Computing Technology, Applied Sociology, Applied Philosophy, Applied Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, Applied Linguistics, Applied Geography, Applied Genetics, applied engineering, Applied Ecology, Applied Behavioral Science, Applied Nutrition, Hydrology, nanoscience and nanotechnology, food science, Humanities and Social Studies, are among the topics covered in the Journal of Archives of Applied Science Research. The Editorial Manager System is used by the journal for online submission, review, and tracking of manuscripts. Reviewers may be members of the Journal of Archives of Applied Science Research’s editorial board or outside professionals; any cite-able submission must receive the approval of at least two independent reviewers and most important the approval of the editor before being accepted for publication. So only correct and useful information is given to the people through articles, which is one of the main motives of the journal.

The Journal of Archives of Applied Science Research's aim is to bring the latest research regarding Applied Sciences to the world, give reorganization to the scientist and researchers for their hard work and contribution to the field of science and bring the best out of them, and provide more information and knowledge to the researchers who are working in the same field.

  • Journal h-index: 25
  • Journal Cite Score: 17.9
  • Journal Impact Factor: 16.3
  • ISSN - 0975-508X
  • Gradually Increasing Google Citations: 12466+

The Journal of Archives of Applied Science Research is a well-established journal (Vol. 14) with multiple indexing and has a prodigious reader base to read and broadcast the work, this Journal helps to share the knowledge of researchers from all over the world which eventually helps other people working or doing research in the same area and it also helps people to gain the knowledge about it.

Indexing- The Journal of Archives of Applied Science Research is indexed in Google scholar, Index Copernicus, Academic Journals Database, NLM Catalog, ISSN, ICI (Index Copernicus), and SjIF (Impact Factor): 1.2*

Average article processing time (30-45 days)

In the modern world, applied sciences have dominated every part of existence. The applied sciences have a significant influence on every choice made in the areas of energy, conservation, agriculture, health, transportation, medicine, communication, defense, economy, leisure, and exploration.

Medical sciences like medical microbiology use biology to inform and advance medical knowledge. Biotechnology and medical electronics are two more applications that strengthen fundamental scientific ideas. Additionally, applied sciences employ formal sciences, i.e., statistical techniques that aid in problem resolution. The importance of applied science is therefore made clear by the fact that communicating with individuals who live far away only requires a phone call, traveling great distances quickly, and treating chronic illnesses is no longer a pipe dream. One of the main ways that science is applied is through technology. Students from the applied sciences are encouraged to put what they learn in college to the test.


Journal Highlights

  • Applied Mechanics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Applied Geography
  • Applied Ecology
  • Applied Nutrition
  • Applied Biology
  • Applied Sociology
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Computing Technology
  • Food science
  • Hydrology
  • Marine Sciences
  • Natural sciences
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Physics
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Social sciences.

Benefits of Publishing in the Journal of Archives of Applied Science Research

  • High-quality peer review service
  • All valuable indexation
  • High Impact factor
  • Citation count of more than 12,500
  • The complete peer-review process and the reviewer's comments were verified by Publons
  • International Editorial Board
  • Doi (Digital Object Identifier)
  • Full Text (HTML)
  • Preprints

Article Publishing Charges- 2300 Euros (per article)
As we are celebrating the opening of our new volume, we are also providing many perks and benefits to the authors along with discounted charges.


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